Chennai Metco provides a complete solution for metallography and metallurgy inspection by various methods of grinding, polishing, and etching. Chennai Metco Baincut - HSS (High Speed Saw) is a sturdy cutter for metallographic sectioning of metals, fibres, plastic, ceramic and mineral samples with medium level of toughness. Chennai Metco Baincut - HSS is suitable for cutting specimen of smaller workpiece from small sized fabrication and material of precious or rare value. Application includes micro analysis built of mechatronics parts, QC in iridium sparkplugs, piston arms, smaller crankshaft, chains, locking screw, padlocks, fibres in ABS plastic, carbon fibres, alumnium frames, precious alloys and so on. To serve your interest on various…
Chennai Metco provides a complete solution for metallography and metallurgy inspection by various methods of grinding, polishing, and etching.
Chennai Metco Baincut - HSS (High Speed Saw) is a sturdy cutter for metallographic sectioning of metals, fibres, plastic, ceramic and mineral samples with medium level of toughness. Chennai Metco Baincut - HSS is suitable for cutting specimen of smaller workpiece from small sized fabrication and material of precious or rare value. Application includes micro analysis built of mechatronics parts, QC in iridium sparkplugs, piston arms, smaller crankshaft, chains, locking screw, padlocks, fibres in ABS plastic, carbon fibres, alumnium frames, precious alloys and so on.
To serve your interest on various Chennai Metco solutions, kindly contact our Sales Department
Chennai Metco Baincut - HSS Plus
To serve your interest on various Chennai Metco solutions, kindly contact our Sales Department
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